Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: Jan 14, 1961

This is a wedding photograph I uncovered this morning.  It is one of my cousins..she was married on Jan. 14, 1961.  Congratulations on 49 years of marriage Bob and Verniel!! I am sure Verniel is wondering how I happened to get this photo.

Yesterday the cousins got together, during the dark and cold of winter we meet at a restaurant for lunch at noon.  My Aunt had two boxes of photos for me..that belonged to my Paternal Grandfather.  My mission is to scan them and make CD's so that everyone can have a copy if they wish. The originals can then be distributed amongst the cousins.   It is an amazing group of photographs..I will have to enlist the help of my Aunt and my Father to help identify some of the people.  It is a good winter project.  I will see that they are marked properly so that they are not lost forever.

As I was looking them over last night, I just skimmed the surface. I was almost in awe.  What a bunch of stories there are in these boxes.  I knew I wanted to feature one photograph today.  I thought about it and couldn't decide between snow photos and skiing photographs.  Snow was winning out..until this morning..I happened across this lovely wedding photo..that was dated Jan 14..close enough for me:)


  1. January 14 is a very good day! Happy Anniversary.

    January 14 I will be 61. It fit's doesn't it.


  2. I want to scan some family photos, too, but I am at a loss as to how to label them. Do you have any tips on how to identify the scanned photos on the CD? What do you do?

  3. I was married (the first time) on March 1, 1961. It was a shotgun marriage that didn't last, so I am so happy to meet somebody whose marriage DID last from that era! Lovely thing to do any time, Connie. It takes people like you to get these things done, Ms. ISTP! :-) :-)

  4. What a beautiful wedding picture you discovered walkin' down memory lane. It's so cool your going to sort and put these on disks for future generations. You go girl!

    Have a super day and may God bless you!!!

  5. Thats too cool, I did the same awhile back and got some real treasures of my folks and grandparents...:-)

  6. I won't even race with you as I am procrastinating on my piles. My scanner access is limited to my wife's computer and she uses it a lot for her business. It will be fun to see the gems that you pull out.

  7. That's my goad this year...get the family photos together, scan and label them. Somebody needs to do it.

  8. Thanks for your comments!
    Nancy, I will name the photographs after they have been scanned..then when I copy them to the CD the info will stay with the photo..with Family Photos you have to get pretty creative when you are working with large batches of photos..because you cannot name any photos the same in the same file. I usually end up with lots of files. I hope this helps to answer your question. Another way is to write the name, location and date on small pieces of paper and place it on the scanner beneath the photo. Then you just scan them together:)

  9. Wow I guess that was ment to be..I love looking at lold photos!!

  10. I have as much as you show and more in several boxes. My big problem is that I am the oldest member of my family and I don't know who most of the people are in the photos. I can remember some that my mom told me (its all her side of the family) but mom is gone and no one had the forethought to write anything on these pictures. Its been a lesson to me....I write on the backs, the names, dates and occasion. Some of these old pictures are in the 1920's, some before, some after. Looks like there's some from late 1800's also. I can't bring myself to throw them away, even though I have no idea who they are other than most likely its a relative.
    You will have such a feeling of pride when you finish this project....believe me, you'll be praised for your dedication for generations to come!

  11. Yes that is a project.... more than the winter? I'm glad you got your sewing done because this would be much more fun! Enjoy!

  12. No better person to take on this project. You go girl! :) And great choice for today. I also like the photo of the photos. :)

  13. Oh, lucky you - a box of memories awaits! Magical ones, I hope...

  14. i'm doing the same thing with my family's photos. i'm the second oldest on my side ( aunt is oldest) and i want to be able to id the people in the photos before i forget who they are. time consuming task, but i have gotten my hours at work cut in half so now i have some time to continue the scanning


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie