Friday, January 1, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon

We went to a hobby shop yesterday, and Far Guy met a bunch of other "train people" was rather funny.. You see Far Guy has O scale trains..someone was asking a question about them and the store owner said well do you know Far Guy?  Of course they didn't ..but they do now.

It was cold yesterday,  and this morning it was -12 degrees F or-24 degrees C  way to cold to go out.  So we will stay at home today.

Yesterday on our way home, I took a photo at the end of the drive..actually I took several.  There is a sun-dog off to the right under the two small camera flares.

Then I took this photo..honest it is straight out of the camera..I would not pull your leg..I consider it one last gift from 2009.   I will have to consult with one of my camera friends for an explanation..was it too cold..maybe Ed or someone else will know.. maybe it was just equal camera flares.

Around five o'clock I took off with my tripod to see if I could capture the blue moon.. I did.  The moon is not easy to photograph especially once it gets dark.

I walked down to my brothers..eight children under the age of five were there..I got to feed the new baby..a room temperature bottle..she seemed to like it..I would have warmed it up but her Mother ( my niece)  said..that's the way she gets it all the time.   Of course I gave her a load of what for about that..she knows me well so she just ignores me.  This newest baby isn't showing any inclination to scream when I enter the room ..yet...however my niece did a fairly good impression for her.   When I walked back home the moon was obscured by clouds..good thing I had my trusty ugly yellow flashlight.

Far Guy was still laying  down when I got home,  I did rouse him to listen to some music with me.  I let him listen to some Judith Durham ( former Seekers), I picked the Righteous Brothers "Unchained Melody"  for a quick little belly rubbing slow dance around the living room.  Then I progressed through some of my favorites by Roy Orbison "Pretty Woman",  Abba "Dancing Queen"  and one of Bob Dylan's old songs sung by Adele " Make you feel my love" , and "Smile" by Uncle Kracker  ..oh yeah and Meatloaf.."Two out of Three Ain't Bad".  I am pretty fussy with my music..if I like it I listen to it forever..rarely adding new songs.. this years big add was "Smile".  Here's to more smiles in twenty ten:)


  1. I like Smile too! Oh and Meatloaf was great back in the day! Have a great day staying warm!

  2. That moon pic is absolutely gorgeous -- you should send it to a contest -- maybe National Geograpic's.

    Or, I could mind my own business.

    Have a happy!

  3. I would say that is a God sign, that my sister is always talking about. Truly amazing, maybe it represents His Promise for the coming year.

    Your photos are spectacular! It shows your bravery by venturing out in those temps to take pictures.

    I am a softie and at 37 degrees, I will not step out although the sun is shining and it is a beautiful day.

  4. Just to cold, great picture of the blue moon.

  5. Great shots, the equal dots are a lens flare, I have a couple of them that are pretty cool but they are perfect circles and were taken in extreme cold too.
    Happy New Year...Ed

  6. My mother always said Sun Dogs in the north meant colder weather was due; in the south, warmer weather.

  7. I just adore the colorful sunspots! Maybe the camera was just too cold but I want to believe it is a beautiful sign from above that we have a wonderful year in store. Wasn't the blue moon just awesome last night? You captured it perfectly.

    Have a spectacular day!!! God bless you Connie!

  8. That afternoon shot is really unusual and the moon photos turned out nice. We are cold here too, but our zero is much better than your -24 at least. Great song choices.

  9. I think I'll take the lens flare picture as a sign, but of what I haven't decided yet! Plus you took it, not me. It's 53 degrees here today and really windy!

  10. There is so much of this post that makes me smile.

    The beautiful lens flare shots, the recollections of your romantic dancing, and that great video.

    My Uncle in Edmonton is -31 C, this morning. Now I don't know what that is in F. But I bet it is cold, stay warm.


  11. BTW, Gar did fall asleep last night, at 8:20. I predicted that he would fall asleep at 8:00.

    Bootsie decided to go out, and didn't return until 2 am. At least someone around here is having fun.

  12. Happy New Year! What a lovely shot of the moon and what horribly cold weather you're having! I'm wishing you two a wonderful new year. Thanks for your friendship.

  13. I love the lens flare but the moon shots are wonderful. It was cloudy here last night so I didn't even get a chance to go out and freeze my butt off.

  14. Love that second moon shot. So peaceful.

  15. Beautiful pictures!!! I love them!!!!

  16. Gorgeous moon shots! Lucky you for having a clear sky - but I guess that is why it is so cold!

    Both kids got room temperature bottles - we never warmed them up... Supposed to be good for the babies! ;-)

    Have a warm cozy New Year!

  17. Great post. Too funny about the trains and Far Guy! Love the shot of the moon through the trees. Your photos are sharp, mine are very fuzzy. You must know what you are doing :)

    Love the song. Makes me feel happy and you know what THAT'S worth! LOL. My brother sent me a CD of him singing "Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues" and I bawled my head off the whole time. Go figure....

    Have a super weekend,
    The Duchess

    PS Emma sends kissed for Chance.

  18. I found another train. It is newer and larger than those really small ones. Far guy already knows now that he has a stupid one here who knows nothing about trains.
    I still need to clean up and photograph the older one and I will share the other. Far Guy needs to start a train blog.
    Oh ya, your photos are great. Great video.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie