Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wistful Wednesday: Christmas 1962

The year was brothers were two and eight, I was eleven.   I desperately wanted a pair of figure skates, I wanted to glide along the ice and dazzle everyone with my skating skills..I just knew that a pair of proper ice skates would be better than the old pair of strap onto your boot skates with the double runners on the heel and on the toes.   Figure skates..they were the only thing on my list.

There was one package under the tree for me that fit the bill, it was just about the right size, kinda heavy and jiggled like it contained skates..I could just imagine them all white and nestled in their box..I could even smell the leather through the box.  I was so excited..this was going to be the most perfect Christmas ever.  I didn't even peek..

Christmas eve after church we opened our packages.  My excitement had moved to a fever pitch by this time.  I ripped off the wrapping paper and was about to yell "Thanks for the skates!!" When I noticed..that there were no skates..inside that box in place of my skates was a pink "Thanks for the radio" was polite..but my cheeks were sore from biting back my tears:(


  1. That must have been very disappointing for you Connie. Did you ever get the skates you wanted.

  2. I know the feeling....I think we've all been there. At least no one can say you were spoiled and got EVERYTHING you ever wanted. ;D

  3. Ouch, being the oldest is the worst thing in the world and it seemed they (parents) didn't hear us.
    Every time you looked at that radio you probably cried for days but you did listen to it didn't you, so it wasn't so bad after all. Did you ever get any skates?

  4. I guess we all have a few memories like that. Funny thing, nowdays, there's nothing I even want!

  5. I do hope you got those skates, eventually. I remember wanting a bride doll one year, and I would go every day and look at her in the store, just in case anybody missed my desiring her. And you know what? I didn't get her but got something even better, although right now I can't remember what it was! But I remember being excited about receiving my actual gift. Funny I can't remember now. But I remember the feelings, they don't go away, do they?

  6. Ouch. I think I got your skates but I never had the ankle strength (or lessons) to use them. Sigh.

  7. What a let down after you were so built up for them. A pink radio would have been a thrill under any other circumstances.

  8. Oh what a disappointment! Did you ever get the skates - or would you have had a place to skate?

  9. I don't remember ever wanting anything specifically until I was a teen. Then I wanted a pair of skiis. I knew i was getting them because my dad had me stand up and measured my stretched hand. What else would it be. ha ha. At least I wasn't disappointed. But I wasn't surprised, either.

  10. Oh Far Side! How sad! Please let us know what happened next. Did you ever get the skates? Did you ever like the radio? Or did you forever resent it? :( I will send you some skates for Christmas!

    Emma Rose

  11. Oh - what huge disappointment when you're 11! Great pic - you all look so happy.

  12. I sometimes think I ruined my children because I couldn't get them the wanted present that year. Sometimes I could get it the next year and I did. Of course it had lost it's appeal.

    Another reason I could get was in my price range.


  13. Hard to not get what you want at any age, and at that age even more difficult. But somehow it makes us a better person when we are adults. It does, doesn't it?

    Glad to hear that you finally got your skates.


  14. I wished you had receive my Christmas skates. I know my parents didn't have a lot of money but they gifted me with my cousin's skates. The cousin is a girl and they were white. The least they could do is put black shoe polish on them. I think I can forgive them now, but I will have to work on it. That picture is definitely the 1960's. I really like the tree and the tv looks like ours.


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