Monday, December 28, 2009

I Am Two Years Old!

Well today is the day, I have been bending your ears for two years..731 736 days. ( The blogspot numbers are 499 posts today.. I didn't start this back up blog until September of 2008.  You can find a link to my archived posts at the bottom of this page.)  Not bad for a cranky old woman. I missed a few more days this past year due to illness..we hope that doesn't happen again this year. I had a pneumonia shot the other we will is supposed to be good for seven years.. yeah right.

I guess I will keep on, keeping on.. so doncha think I deserve some flowers?

How about these?? Lovely aren't they..I really miss green and warmth..

How...I write differently now that I first did, I used to write everything out longhand. Now I just sit down and type...( hunt and peck..that darned Poison Ivy that covered my entire body and made my fingers swell so badly they didn't want me in typing class during summer school.. I am not quite sure why I didn't take it during the real school year..probably because I had better things to Biology and Latin) I still do write blogs in my notebook sometimes in the car..when Far Guy is driving, I wrote one on a paper napkin in a restaurant one day. Sometimes I write really brilliant ones during the night and then when I wake up in the morning I have forgotten what I was going to write. Sometimes I just sit here..staring blankly onto the computer screen..if my screen saver takes over it is quite obvious to me that I am not relaxed or going with the flow of the words. I write late at night..actually in the middle of the night is quiet..the phone never rings then. I also write early in the morning..then I save ..but publish later. I do sometimes schedule things to publish..if we have to be gone early in the morning. daughter the English Professor says I should look for a common theme.. a thread of sorts that will bind it all together. She writes too..I recall something she wrote a while back..blogging is like having your own room..your own place to do what ever you want. I sometimes write about strange things that no one else writes about. I love to write about flowers and birds and pets and childhood memories. I love my photo blog..but I don't spend very much time there.. but my photography skills are improving. My newest blog Forgotten Old Photographs is and continues to be a daily adventure. I do have some stories that are just aching to be written..some will never see the light of day..but some will be forthcoming.

Why..I still blog for the they have some stories. I also blog for me..for the connections to people who live all over the world. I have made many new friends, laughed and cried with many bloggers. Recently a blogger that I was quite close to died.. let me tell ya..that really sucks. I rejoiced with the Grandmother of an eight year old whose tumor was benign...that news totally rocked. I get to meet brand new Hope, and Mr. Higgens. I got to follow Renee from before her premature birth to a  happy and healthy little girl and home with her family for a Minnesota Christmas! What a treat it was to meet her! I visit lots of Farms and Ranches..they are the lifeblood of America and Canada. I visit Sweden nearly everyday. I visit lots of gardeners..I so enjoy other peoples gardens..especially the southern ones during the winter. I am having a whole lot of fun reading. I am also are never to old to learn something new.

Where.. well as you may know I live in Minnesota. I blog from our computer desk which I share with Far Guy he custom built the desk for is in the center of our home between the living room that we actually live in and the dining room that is the only place to sit down and eat in the entire house. My blog appears locally on a newspaper web site..and on the big old world wide blogspot. I maintain two blogs that are exactly the same because if one site should go down, I will always have the other..I also try to print out hard copies of each of my daily posts..but I am way behind on that project..six months to be exact. It is on my list of things to do!

Thanks to all my readers out there, and a special thank you to the people that comment.. today I will answer any questions you may have about me or blogging.  Just leave me a comment and I will answer in the comment section! :)


  1. The desk is beautiful! Wish I had a nice space like yours! I love reading your blog and I may not comment all the time but I sure do try to visit every day if possible. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Congratulations! It's always enjoyable to visit your blog.
    Your computer desk is amazing, what a lovely work space.
    Best Wishes as you start your third year and Happy New Year!
    Sunny :)

  3. Congratulations Connie. I certainly do enjoy blogland and I do enjoy your blog. I like what your daughter said. I feel that way too. It is MY place. I love the desk area. It looks so cozy for the two of you. I am ready for the new year and lots of gardening.

  4. I have to say I'm feeling just a little jealously over the computer desk for two. I laugh as I tell young couples that the secret to a long and happy marriage is a double sink and separate closets. Which in reality there's much truth in. Now ya got me thinkin' that a computer station with not one shared computer but a space for each where no one is waiting for the other to finish when a grand writing thought hits is an excellent investment in a happy marriage! Heeeheeehe!

    I have enjoyed last ten months in blogland and the connection of friends created by blogging.

    You have a wonderful upcomming year! God bless!!!

  5. I don't have any questions, but I do want to say thank you for entertaining and educating us. I've really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog. And to Far Guy, your desk Rocks!

  6. Congratulations on a huge milestone. So many blogs disappear before the first year. I'm so very glad you are here in the blogosphere.
    I can relate to so much of what you have written, writing posts in your head at night, having more time for Latin in school than other subjects and having a special place where there are only your rules as you choose what to share.
    Best wishes for you as you continue your marvelous blog.

  7. Happy Blogiversary! I so love coming here. I enjoy all my blog friends and am very grateful for this world that lets me get to meet people I never would have met otherwise.


  8. Wow! Sound like you have a lot going on with various blogs and photo sites. I keep meaning to back mine up. I know there's a way to do that. You are right that blogging is a great way to experience what life is like for people all over the US and the world. And it's amazingly wonderful how you can become friends.

  9. Congrats on your two-year anniversary! Like you, I blog partly so the grandkids will have stories, but find myself expanding into other areas. It's a great process. I enjoy all three of your blogs.

  10. Congrats , with so many followers you know you got a good thing going. I really enjoy your blogs. Happy New Year!

  11. I read your blog every day and enjoy it all. That husband of yours is quite the builder and craftsman. I have been impressed with his work.
    I especially enjoy all your photos and love the ones of Chance. He is so beautiful and smart.

  12. I patterned my blog style after yours. Your style is very authentic, which is what I strive for. At first it was hard to be really my own space, because I had a little bit of performance anxiety. Your blog is so freeing because who you are shines through so brilliantly. And Happy Blogaversary! That's a pretty impressive record, Connie!

  13. Congrats Connie! You know I love to visit with you daily. I love going along on trips with you and Chance and Far Guy and I love seeing the area around your home. It's a real blessing to a southern girl like me to "visit" MN and learn all about your wildflowers etc. I love your work station that Far Guy created. Where does Chance hang out when you both are on the computer???

  14. Congratulations on being so profuse in two years. You've passed me and I've been at it for 3 1/2 years.

    I love my blogging friends. I'm so glad we met along the way.

    Keep typing! (here's where I boast that I can type 90 wpm.) But, the caveat is that speed is nothing when it comes to blogging. Remembering those midnight blogs in the morning, and finding the right words to convey a message -- those are the important things. And you're the bomb!

  15. Mildred asked.. Where does Chance hang out when you both are on the computer??? Most of the time he sleeps by the no one can sneak out without him:)

  16. Congratulations! Here's to a hundred more years!

  17. Connie, Congratulations on your blogiversary. Two years is quite an accomplishment. You are an inspirational blog from the heart and everything you write is the 'real deal'. It is an easy and entertaining read - never boring and I like your honesty and humor. Yours is my favorite blog and my first read when I log on to blogger each day. Wishing you many more years of great blogging!

  18. Congratulations Connie, I'm so impressed with your ability to find something interesting to say each day. I enjoy reading your blog every day, it's my way to destress and unwind after stressful work days. Thank you!

  19. Congrats!! I am enjoying reading your blog!

  20. Congratulations on your two year anniversary. I love reading it every day. The computer desk is to die for; I'm jealous! Thanks for blogging.

  21. That's cute that Chance guards the door so he doesn't miss out on a walk or trip in the car. Harriet is always right at our feet - she's like a heating pad!

  22. Congrats on your blogaversary. What a great computer desk, I have to show Gar, he has his heart set on a log home one day.

    I remember coming across your blog, I don't know how, but I have read every post that you write, there is continuity, and a common thread, it is love for family, friendship, and life.

    My question? When are you going to be my neighbor? LOL, we would have such a great time.


  23. Congratulations on your blogaversary! We have two questions:

    1. You said that you printed out your blog each day. Is there a trick to that, or do you just print from your browser?

    2. Would you please send Far Guy to our house to build us a computer desk? (He can bring you and Chance too!)

    Kisses and hugs too!
    Emma Rose

  24. Muddy Boot Dreams asked when will I be her neighbor.. I would love too..but not until you move further north in Canada!
    Emma Rose and the Duchess..asked how I print out my blog every day. I can print from my browser at my other blog..but it gets everything..side bars I usually copy and transfer to a word processing program leaving space for my photographs to be adhered to the page or pages..on my long winded days. Then I put the page in a page protector and put them in a three ring binder..

    Far Guy is a good carpenter..he is especially good at extracting the visions I have in my head. You should see my scrapbooking desk..I will blog about it someday.:)

  25. Hi, and Happy Blogaversary! My first visit here (via Muddy Boot Dreams) and I am so glad I arrived on your day of celebration.

    Lovely blog and look forward to the coming year of blog posts!

  26. That is a magnificent computer desk!

    Congratulations on your two years of blogging!

  27. Happy Blogaversary!! I'm glad you're here and I often wish we could met in person (maybe even go on a plant raid). I love your computer desk too!

  28. Congrats! Not only for 2 years of blogging, but for having so many posts in the two years. It takes me a bit longer to write most of my posts; I very often save them and work on them for a day or two, especially if I'm trying to convey specific feelings. Anyway, keep it up! I'm glad to hear you plan on it, I really enjoy your blog!

  29. I enjoy your blogs, so keep up the good work! I also love that custom desk your honey made, it is awesome! We live in a log home too!

  30. I have noticed that you blog late. A couple other friends are out there doing that too. My little dog gets me up in the night sometimes and I check in to see what is going on, and I can see who is up. Your work space looks great. It is quite an accomplishment to make two years wit so few misses. You are my one of two connections to Minnesota, my favorite state. The other connection is in Minneapolis. Enjoy the beginning of the start of your third year. Keep up the good work.

  31. Happy Anniversary ... I didn't realize that you blogged for an online paper!! What a thrill!

  32. You have a interesting Blog. I like that custom made desk for your Computer space. It's very nice looking. Hope you have a great New Year and wishes come true.

    Nice meeting you.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie