Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cousins Christmas

Last night was the annual girl cousins Christmas Party. We do a potluck supper and invite the Aunts and Uncles. It gets everyone out for an evening! It is nice to see everyone in one place at one time during the winter..when it isn't a funeral. The Aunts and Uncles each receive a small gift from one of the cousins. Nothing fancy, usually something handmade. One of the Aunts brought a whole bag of knitted dish rags, she said "I sit in my chair and knit while I watch TV." ..we got to choose our favorite..I was the last person..and there was still a red one for me! My Mother and Father usually bring some small gift for everyone..this year it was a bookmark. Everyone is getting older..the oldest is Aunt Senia ..she is 92. One of my cousins had the geriatric limo..she had three Aunts with her, she had her hands full. Aunt Grace had her hips done..she is moving along pretty good. She complained that her hearing aid didn't work real well, she thought it might have water in it. ..My Father being the helpful person that he is suggested that she stand on her head.

Earlier in the day we heard through the family grapevine that one of our cousins was touched by tragedy when her boyfriend and the father of her four year old twins was killed in a car accident. Very sad. All I have to say is ..wear your seat belt..because your chances of survival are much better if you stay inside your vehicle instead of being thrown around like a rag doll and ejected from a vehicle.

One of the coolest gifts at the cousins party was a bowl that had been sewed..I would like to try this ..and I don't even like to sew.

My Dad had his own take on this bowl. That is one of his sisters on the left, and a sister in law on the right.

It is 0 degrees F ( -18 C) here this morning...I suppose there is little hope of Indian Summer returning.  We got some new snow is beginning to look a lot like we do not have our tree up yet...the Christmas letter has not been written and there are no packages to wrap yet. We still have time:)


  1. Hmmm... that really DOES look like a hat! Pretty good description of the family gathering. I like your statement that "Aunt Grace had her hips done." Pictured in my mind an uplift, with a tummy tuck to go along... :-)

  2. Your dad tickles me! That's a very pretty bowl. Keep us posted if you make one of these. GA had snow flurries this morning. Very pretty to watch but of course we don't have the dreadful temps that you do. Take care and enjoy your day Connie.

  3. I love your dad's sense of humor! And the tradition of a cousins/aunts/uncles gathering...very nice!

  4. I love to hear about a big family. My Aunt's are all gone but one 100 year old. Sorry about the twin's father.

  5. I love this! Daddy was the same way, many gifts made it to his head and we always laughed. He always made the season happier.

  6. Wow! Your post made me happy and sad. Happy that you are blessed with all those loving folks around you and close enough for this kind of party and celebration of life. And sad....that all the folks that I love and cherish are so far away.

    Thanks for sharing. Wish I had been there to listen to those stories that must have been flying around that home.

  7. Sounds like a fun time. It is nice that you have family get togethers like that. Simple events are so much better than big elaborate affairs.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful tradition. I wish I had extended family nearby. Heck, I wish my children still lived nearby.

  9. Connie~ You and your relatives have a neat sense of humor <---that's what Family Love is all about!
    ....Driving home from Town yesterday, the weather being quite mild, we saw many people outside decorating for Christmas.
    So today Hubby got busy and decided to haul out all the outside lights! After the "words"...most of what he put up works!! LOL

  10. What a nice tradition! It's really nice to have family over for the holidays.

    Also, I love your pictures at the top...beautiful! And black-capped chickadees are some of my favorite birds!

  11. I really like the Christmas ornament. It is so nicely decorated and shaped. We won't be putting up our trees for at least another week. Snow for us on Sunday, storm on Wednesday.

  12. Your dad is the life of the party I imagine, I think he keeps everyone guessing what he is going to do next. Having everyone together like that is fun, I have my 2 sisters here in So.Ca. and we are getting together next Sat. My son too,one sister from Nevada may come, this will be the first time since 1974 we have been together at Christmas time. How fun is this!! I am so glad that you have all your family there enjoy every moment of it!

  13. So sorry to hear about your cousin's tragedy.

    Your get-together sounds like a lot of fun!

  14. Merry Christmas!



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