Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wistful Wednesday : Thanksgiving

Old photos of Thanksgiving..boy they are few and far between.  I did find a few..this is part of Far Guys family.  His Great Uncle Frank, his Grandfather Curt, his Mother and his Great Aunt Mae.   These are old Polaroids, taken no doubt by Far Guys Dad as he was a bit of a camera nut.

This is one of the table all set for their dinner..I see cranberry relish and pickled  beets and possibly pickles. Far Guys Mom has her eyes closed in this one.. but it is still a good photo..note the telephone on the wall..and the little edging on the shelves in the pantry.   Far Guys Mom has written on the back Thanksgiving 1963. :)


  1. I love the neck ties for dinner....and no doubt that kitchen was hot...those women had short sleeves on!

  2. That is a treasure for sure. I love all the details you can see in the background and as Milah says, their clothes as well.
    Aunt Mae kinda looks like she's tired of having her photo taken & wants to eat!!!

  3. That shelf edging paper and /or lace was on shelves at our house growing up too! Lots of details in these pictures. Lots of work put into that dinner!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving
    From My Blog TO Yours
    Bennie and Patsy

  5. Look at that phone! Wishing you and your family and Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Boy does that pic take this gal back. You and your fam have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    God bless ya'll!!!

  7. Great photos, Connie, and a lot of it is because of the nostalgia inadvertently added in, like the phone and the clothes. I notice Aunt Mae knows how to pose for a picture, and she does look like she's full of vinegar! Thanks for sharing these!

  8. Aunt Mae was having a good time wasn't she! The men are ready to eat and want to stop a the foolishness> I just love the photos. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Thanks for sharing....Happy Thanksgiving to your family!

  10. A treasure! Thanks for sharing and have a happy, happy Thanksgiving.

  11. those photos are priceless! such great details. yes, the neckties!

  12. Love the phone... and my, people wore ties in those days!

    Great photo. Have a wonderful day today.

  13. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and thanks for sharing your photos and memories

  14. I truly enjoy those pictures. Nostalgia? I guess so. They take me back to the times that the measure of holiday happiness was less about decorating the house like House & Garden and more about the gathering.
    Frank and Curt posed for photos the way their parents would have. It's documentation, not advertising; no need for artificial smiles.

  15. Wow, I would have only been 2 yrs old then. I love the old pics. I think Thanksgiving was a lot more traditional then. Now, everyone makes non-traditional foods and it looks like this year, there are even stores OPEN today. *sigh* All in the name of greed, when ya think about it.

  16. grandpa looks like he's already been into the after dinner brew in that one shot.

    I wish I had some of those 60s photos. I don't think anyone took pictures that decade around our house.


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