Monday, November 9, 2009

Chance: The Deer Trails

Far Side said "Let's go for a walk!"   We had to walk our deer trails last Friday.  Hunting season started on Saturday and although all of our land is posted with No Hunting signs ..we try to  stay out of the woods during Deer season.

Far Side likes to walk back in the woods, after the poison ivy is all frozen and has disappeared, and before the snow is too deep.

She talks to herself..brown, brown, everything is brown.  Pretty soon that changes to white..white..everything is white.

Deer sign!  I tell you every night they are back in here..and there is the proof.. and I will not roll in it..but it does kinda look like great little chocolate drops.

She rummaged around the old dump..

I followed the deer trails for a really long time..I lead and she follows.  I did run back to the yard a few times just to check on Far Guy..I have to keep track of them both ya know...if they would both stay in their yard it would be easier:)


  1. I saw some of those deer signs in my driveway this morning. It was tempting, but the cowgirl was too close behind me to stop, drop, and roll.
    -- Java

  2. I have deer coming into my yard every night. Buddy sits in the bedroom window in the dark watching for them. Chance is watching for them too.

  3. Great shots - and how lucky you are to have so much land!

    We get deer who come and eat the bulbs and flowers.

  4. I had deer off my deck this morning and when I ran to get the camera, of course they bolted. They as soooo much faster than this farm chick.

    Enjoy your day!!!

  5. Looks like a pretty place to walk before the snow falls. We have a few deer around here. Harriet's not tall enough to see them but Kaboodle "growls" at them! That Chance is taking good care of you both!

  6. Such a lovely place to walk. I can almost hear and smell everything: the sound of the leaves underneath, the smell of fall. And a faithful companion or two, who needs anything more??

  7. How funny. "If they would both stay in their yards......" LOL! Your woods look a bit like ours lately too. Firearm season opens up on the 15th for two weeks.
    Thank you always for stopping by my blog and saying hi and thinking and praying for us! I value your friendship deeply Connie!

  8. I don't blame you not wanting to be in woods with hunters. Some really can get gun happy. I loved your walk in the woods. We don't have woods but we do have lots of pheasant land so come Thanksgiving...

    I'll be out there running anyone I see off our posted pheasant ground!


  9. We took a drive in the country this past weekend. The hunters were out and we could here shots all around. I don't think I would want to be out walking. Hopefully hunters pay attention to your signs and stay out.

  10. Wonderful adventure. I can not believe how much Chance looks like our Maggie.

  11. Tell Chance to stay away from the hunters. And thank you for the good thoughts. I need it.

  12. Okay. I could've done without pictures of the deer poop. LOL

  13. Hi Chance,

    You have such willpower not to roll in that great stuff the deers left for you! It's nice that you got to go for that walk before hunkering down for the winter. We don't like winter either. :(

    emma Rose

  14. Another week Chance and then you can hit those deer trails again before the snow flies!

  15. My friend in maryland can't grow anaything, because the deers eat her plants. In New Zealand . hunting is allowed because they are introduced animals, not natives,

  16. Tightwad has a huge ten point hanging out at his camp. He is hoping to get some "shots" (pics) of it this week.

    If he shoots it I will totally kick his you know what.

  17. I bet the scent of deer walking those paths makes Chance more excited also. It is nice to see some of those natural paths. We are a tad greener than you, but not by much. Brown everywhere. I have one pear tree, decorator tree, not a fruit tree that has neat leaves on it, need to get the shot before they fall.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie