Saturday, October 10, 2009

I say sNOw

Yesterday, the sun was shining, it was about time, it was our first day of sunshine in October. I loved it, I soaked up some rays..and captured some leaves.

Ah have it all, beautiful colors, warm sunshine, blue skies...

In the afternoon, the snow clouds loomed on the horizon. Maybe they will go north, maybe they will track south..they might miss us...they might

Last night it began to sNOw.

This morning, we have been transported from Fall into Winter. Just like that, yanked into winter, almost without warning. No I don't like snow, or winter, it is way too early for winter to begin..I don't have the lawn furniture put away just needed two days of sunshine to dry off. Two lousy days, and we just got one. I don't have my parka out yet, I guess I will have to get it out..and those red crocs I really like..I guess those will have to be put away. I have had my snow boots out for a few days now, not in anticipation of snow, just because my feet got cold outside. What happened to global has not made it to Minnesota yet. It is exactly 30 degrees F (-1 C) out now, next February that will be a warm spell, I would be out there enjoying the warm balmy weather..not so much today:(

October, dreary cold rainy days = 8, sunny crisp days=1, first snowy day in progress.


  1. Yesterday was wonderful - I have some great footage....(Perfect day) - And last evening it got cold.. began to rain and as we left the little eating establishment "bar" - it was snowing (and it wasn't an illusion of too much to drink :) ) And it (snow) it stuck! Have a cup of hot chocolate, stay warm and enjoy!

  2. I liked it better BEFORE the SNOW!

  3. Snow! Already??
    It is pretty from here though.
    The temp is about 87 right now and muggy hot. I could use a little bit of the cool weather this way.
    The pictures are pretty.Fall and winter both.
    Have a warm and safe weekend.

  4. It's TOOOOOO early for SNOW!!! I can hear my nephew crying from here where I'm at in balmy Georgia!

  5. Snow? Already? Bummer :( Does Chance like it?

    Emma Rose

  6. Yes, we aren't as cold as you so our snow is gone already. I don't want it for some time so it can stop for now and not come back until December. Barney loves snow, but he didn't want to go out the door this morning as he thought it strange. He went with coaxing. Chance sure looks like he is confused about it, or just doesn't know what next?

  7. That one cloud looks like OSCAR the Grouch.

  8. Don't remind me! I'm not ready for sNOw!

  9. That snow is disturbing. We didn't get any snow that stayed on the ground but it's so cold it made me crabby today. I want fall back.

  10. Oh my God Connie! I can't believe you got snow already! I am so sorry...I hope it melts quick with a warm spell and you can dry out that furniture! I am actually ahead of the game and most of my stuff is all put away except for a couple items. There was the "mention" of snow for next Tuesday here in Maine (so they tell me) and I am choosing to believe THEY are wrong! I am NOT ready for that yet. Heck...the farmers haven't even taken out all the corn from the fields! It's not even Halloween yet! Great pictures of the leaves and clouds...nice camera! Hey I posted some photos of my living room redo....there will be one every day until it's complete. How the heck do you make that collage that you have at the top of your page here? I would love to do that. Do you have a tutorial? Did you do it yourself? Do tell!

  11. Entirely too early for snow! I am not ready for winter at all.

  12. my old dog toby used to run away every year with the first snowfall. he'd head right for the woods.

    riley was quite frisky this morning in the snow.

    i was less so.

  13. Yes, the snow was a bit of a shock so early. I was brushing off and putting away lawn furniture this morning. I do like snow but I would have liked to have more time to enjoy Fall first.

  14. This is surely just a cold snap! That October sun will be back! It snowed in Norway and northern Sweden last week too...

    Far too EARLY!

  15. I know........I saw it on the National Weather Report.....and I just cringed.

    Mother Nature playing NASTY TRICKS for sure.

  16. Yes, Connie, the snow can be a real waker-upper. If you don't like snow, though, what are you doing living in Minnesota?? People ask me, when I complain of the rain, what am I doing living in the Pacific Northwest if I don't like rain? Actually, I like it, just not when I'm hiking or being outside in it. The October sun will return, as ladyfi says, so you can look forward to that!

  17. The last year I lived in St. Paul, the first snow of the season fell on September 21st -- the day before the equinox. Much as I loved living there, I had to move away from a place where IT SNOWS IN THE SUMMER!

  18. We had about 2" of snow yesterday, too. Brrr ... I didn't warm up all day and I was in a heated building. Cold bones, that's what it is! We lost most of the snow by nightfall and we have sun and ALMOST freezing out - up to 28 right now!!! But more coming. I agree - global "warming" ????? Global changes!

  19. You said everything I have wanted to say. I think I'll print your blog out and stick it on the fridge. One day, just one day of sun. And winter weather advisories for tonight. Yuck!

  20. Hi everyone, Thanks for your comments!
    Duchess, Chance does get cold feet, but for the most part, he likes snow.
    Debbie, I use a Scrapbook Program called Memory Mixer to do all my headers, it is easy to learn.
    DJan, I hate Minnesota Winters, but I was born here, all our children are here..I could go south for the winter alone..but what fun would that be..Chance and Far Guy LOVE Minnesota...I stay inside if the weather is really cold and rotten. I like snow, just not outside in my yard, or on my roads..It is going to be a loooong winter:(

  21. Yes, it snowed here too..but it melted away in about an hour after daylight. My husband assures me we will get more sunny pretty autumn days yet, I sure hope he is right!

  22. You've had snow already? I'm still in shorts, tees, and sandals. I know winter will be here much too soon, however. Just found your blog and I'm enjoying your posts.

  23. Global warming must be a fairy tale, it must be.

    Rain here, sleet and wind. Brrrrr.



Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie