Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is This Art?

I need a little help today..sometimes things should be clear as a bell, but they are not. We stopped by a sculpture park the other day. One of the sculptures has me bugged..I can't figure out what it is supposed to be. If you have any ideas please leave me a comment. Is it still art if no one can figure out what it is supposed to be?

First I looked at it this way.

Then that way..still I come up with zero, nada, nothing, no ideas what the artist was trying to tell me.

Art, I like art but my tastes run pretty simple ..and I love Black and White:)


  1. Well, I just think that you weren't standing on your head when you perused it. Obviously that is the way the artist planned on it being seen from the right angle.....LOL.

    Who knows, art is subjective right?

    It is a interesting piece, quite a bit of angst, and humor in it's angles. OK I admit, that is about as far as I could take this charade.



  2. The worst I ever saw was at the sculpture park across from the Walker in Minneapolis. It was a patchwork of shaved meat stitched together into a dress and displayed on a dressmaker's dummy. It stank, and there was quite a collection of little flies in the museum that day. I guess it was supposed to symbolize the objectification of women, which is an issue I can identify with, but it did NOT resonate with me.

    Nor did the video loop they were showing in the basement of an extreme closeup of someone's mouth while a dentist worked on her teeth.

    So, all in all, I kind of like this one -- at least it doesn't make me feel queasy!

  3. Doh! Not in the sculpture park, but in the Walker itself. Sheesh.

  4. It has a visual and physical balance only on two sides. That makes it quite boring. I don't think it is to represent anything, but it should really have been designed so that it was balanced in the round. That would have required more parts but I don't think the artist was being very ambitious. I like the white dinosaur.

  5. Cool rhino skeleton behind Chance.

    That first sculpture looks like a chair for a very tall person... or a climbing frame for kids.. or maybe it's a person standing on his head and doing yoga?

    it's definitely art if it gets you talking or feeling puzzled!

  6. Art is in the eye of the beholder. I try to convince myself of that when I paint and try not to destroy my own efforts at artistry.

  7. That first object interests me. I don't know what the artist had in mind, but it makes me think of male/female, haves and have-nots, inertia. Not everything speaks to everybody, I guess.

    The sparkly eyes in that second picture are quite the object d'art!

  8. OK, here is my concept of that "ART" ~

    The man walked out to get his mail and stooped down too low allowing his hat to fall off his head. When he lifted his torso came the MAIL BOX!

  9. It looks like a rural mailbox post, except someone stole the mailbox. Or it could be a seat for a really skinny person. I guess I am art appreciation deficient. Doesn't appeal to me at all.
    I'm with you -black and white all the way.!!

  10. No clue, but I wish some of my "mishaps" could be considered art!!! I have MANY!

  11. I think it is an alien clothespin.

  12. You have to hit the lower part so that the round thingy flys up and lands on the little shelf thingy at the top! LOL
    I have given up trying to figure out what some people consider art to be!
    Sunny :)

  13. I am not a fan of "modern" art. In Milwaukee we have a sculpture on a hilltop overlooking Lake Michigan that is comprised of a bunch of orange construction beams welded together cross-wise that is supposed to be a sunburst. The only person that sees a sunburst is the sculpture. Everyone hates the piece and wishes Milwaukee would remove it as it detracts from the beauty of the Lake view. Oh well, so much for me being an art critic.

  14. Well, since "art" is in the eyes of the beholder..........I "behold" that this might, possibly, perhaps...who knows ... be a drinking fountain? Stand on the knobby thing and drink from the cuppy thing? HH

  15. Maybe 'not getting it' is the point. Some artists love to confuse people. LOL!

  16. Looks like somebody just slapped together some old wood in the barn and called it "art" as a joke. But the black and white piece is fabulous!

  17. I think...I think it's a chair for a very short person who will fall off if they didn't have that thing in the front, but the thing at the top has to be above their head. Or maybe it's to show the delicate balance of the cylinder on the flat surface and the forked piece of wood above the other...or something else weird like that. Interesting though, but it takes too much brain power trying to figure out what it is. ;)

  18. I don't know about where you live but if there is state funded construction there has to be a certain amount spent on art. So we are full of useless, ridiculous, meaningless (I'm not going to call it art) wastes of money. So when they built the section of the school my husband teaches at they had to spend 17,000 dollars on art. The ones at his building aren't too bad, one is a stained glass airplane. But most of the "art" around the state is pure expensive doo.


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