Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall Projects : Update

One of our larger projects has been completed. The half log stair steps. They needed to be refinished. Ten years ago we sealed them with a product that was less than satisfactory for continual use. Besides that almost five years ago we got a little Border Collie Puppy that liked to chew on the edges of the steps, they were conveniently located next to his mouth when he laid down. I put a mixture of water and cayenne pepper on the edges of the steps, it looked a little funny..but it stopped his chewing.

The beginning of the project, bottom test step has been completed.

The steps had been used and abused by moving furniture in and out, and suitcases clunking up and down. It was time. We did a test step, the very bottom step..it was removed..

Planed on the planer.

Sanded and refinished. The first product we used was a nightmare. It took three days for the first coat to dry. Lets see each step would get three coats, that is nine days, and we have twelve steps...three months?? That is not happening. We called the company that manufactured the product that was so hard you could skate on it..if it ever dried. It was seven years old..it had been on the shelf at the store that long. Luckily it was a store we frequent for supplies for home repair. They replaced it, with a store brand that they highly recommended. A very helpful hardware place.

The project was able to commence, Far Guy started doing the steps two at a time and in a couple of weeks we were done!

I got the front door repainted too, two projects scratched off the list..we are cruisin' ..but the Fall list isn't getting any shorter as I added a couple of things to it.. I had a corner in my garage that was dirt, it had never been covered in pavers, because it was just a storage area for plastic nursery pots. Well it looked pretty pathetic after "Johnny came way late to pick up the rest of the greenhouse junk he bought" So last week we found the correct color pavers far far away..luckily they were delivered to Park Rapids..this is a good lesson..if you start a project you shouldn't take ten years to complete it because your materials may have been discontinued, and possibly they will cost you twice as much as they would have, because they have to be delivered from far, far away and transportation costs for brick pavers is not exactly cheap. But the end result is the floor in my garage will all match, and I will be happy, WELL happier than I was with a dirt corner. :)

**We had our first frost this morning it was 31 degrees.


  1. You are cruising along with the projects. I wish I was so ambitious. I saw the temperature in your area this morning on the weather channel. I wondered if you got frost. Sure didn't take long for the cold mornings to get here. I bet the trees will really be turning bright colors now. I will be anxious to see some of the fall color photos you take now.

  2. Oh the steps look really good. What a project. We had 26 degrees at 6 am, and at 7:15 am on way to dentist it was 29 degrees. Had to scrape thick ice off the car windows so I could see! Welcome fall and then winter- - -

  3. Those are beautiful!


  4. Kudos on the refinishing project. Never an easy job! We were 38 this morning down in an Ozarks hollow. I'm gonna' have to give up the ghost and close the pool.

    Have a beautiful fall day!!!

  5. Frost! I am surprised I did not hear my nephew up your way moaning and crying this morning! Your steps look nice; wonderful that you have a "helpful" hardware store that treasures your business. It sure is a good feeling to complete long-awaited projects! Take care and enjoy a crisp, Autumn walk with Chance.

  6. It is great to get some projects done no matter what time of the year. We were just discussing the other day - thank goodness we have the change of seasons to get us rejuvenated and motivated! Happy Fall!

  7. I am impressed....Just one more day until we draw for the Giant Ornament Giveaway on my Christmas blog...Stop by for a visit....http://grammyababychangeseverything.blogspot.com

  8. What lovely stairs! We've had frost here too, but temps are hovering around 0 C... Autumn is here... with wind!

  9. They are really nice stairs. Basketball gym sealer could have worked but do you have to worry about it being slick. I have fallen too many times on stairs so I think about that. I love the story of Chance and his chewing. We didn't get Barney until he was seven months or so old so he had all the chewing out of the way. He did go through a lot of chew bones though.

  10. give me a pint of your ambition, please

  11. I love your stairs. I'll bet your house is beautiful. All that gorgeous wood!

  12. Good for you. I started the summer with a list and it doesn't seem to be getting any shorter. I get one thing checked off and find 2 more that need done. The idea was to be done by winter. HAH!

  13. Digging the home improvement projects!

  14. Y'all are working HARD! do you hire out? Can you come to Midland?


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