Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wistful Wednesday: Cousins

I have many cousins, these are three of my cousins who just happen to be sisters. I love the look that Diana is giving Petie, cause Petie (that is short for Beatrice) is holding a kitty. Bernice seems oblivious to the interaction happening between her sisters. Petie only has eyes for the kitten.
This photo was probably taken in 1949 or 1950. My Mother may have taken this photo. Those are some serious curls on those girls! :)


  1. You have reminded me that I need to get busy and scan more old photos. Yes, those are serious curls! Are they natural curls or from new perms?

    My mother used to wrap and roll my hair in cotton strips to create curls.

  2. I love the curls and the dresses too. They look like they may all be the same pattern. Sweet!

  3. Very cute. Love the curls!
    Sunny :)

  4. I wore curls like that...and my hair looked like that........


  5. Looks like the girls have one of those Toni perms like my mother use to give me. I hated curls and I hated the perms and the smell. It must have been nice having girl cousins. It seems like most of mine were boys. I like your wistful Wednesday and the chance to reflect back on old memories.

    I also wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your comments on my blog. You always say the nicest things. I appreciate it a bunch.
    Likewise I am happy that I found your blog to follow. I look forward to your posts everyday.
    BTW- I hope Far Guy is doing better. You will need to give us an update.

  6. I love the picture - those curls remind me of the perms from that era too! Cute little dresses too.

  7. I didn't know Diana had 2 sisters, she must be the youngest? Think that Toni perms were the thing then. Looks like my hair!!!!!!
    How's G today?

  8. You are right, those are some curls!! They are adorable.

  9. Do you suppose those came from pincurls? Petticoats & pincurls, someone should use that title for something. (I just feel so clever)

  10. How is Far Guy doing. Better I hope. Plese give us an update, Pain is a terrible thing especially when you already live with it on a daily baisis. Lilly

  11. wow that looks like a photog that could be in a museum. !!
    gp who has a quick ride on horse before doing the political dance in town :(

  12. I love that the whole story just comes out in the photo. My great aunt (the only aunt I ever had) used to always tell my mother and us to please, please, write names and dates on the back of pictures.... I'm sure she had had the experience of pulling out photos and having no clear recollection of who, what, and when they were taken. I hope that you do something equivalent to preserve the memories for your decendents!!

  13. Aren't those curls just adorable!

  14. I have a very similar photo.....TAKEN IN FRONT OF A FLOWERING PLANT. That must have been the rage back then. Hide your kids behind weeds.


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