Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wistful Wednesday: 1956

The year was 1956, my little brother and I. I was five years old and he was two years old.
There are lots of things I like about this photo.. there is that elusive white dog..part collie? in the background.. I believe that this dogs name was Frosty and he was a gift to me from my Grandparents D. They gave me many dogs as gifts...some of the gifts got ran over, one got tick fever..some just mysteriously disappeared. My parents cannot recall if this one was Frosty or not..I think it is. My Mother sewed our shirts..the pants I believe were store bought. I am surprised that we have shoes on, we must have been going someplace. I have no idea what I am holding in my hands..good grief could it have been a doll?? Probably not. This photo was taken in front of the picture was an old was at the farm when we moved there. It became the spot in the yard where all the photographs were taken. It is still there, and it is still full of bees when it blooms. Did you have a special "Picture spot" in your yard when you were growing up? :)


  1. I love the photo of you and your brother. You are both so cute. You were like me, always had a dog in your life. I can not remember a time without one. I have more pictures of me with dogs than with anyone else. It must have been a standard policy for me to have a photo with every dog I ever met because I have a bunch of them.

  2. Photos were taken right before company left, usually standing alongside their cars. I am sure I can chronicle every visitor to the farm by these photos.

  3. The farm dog always needed to know what to do. It looks like a nice dog. We saw animals come and go a lot, I remember most of them. Cats were always moving in and out. That one spot still being there is really amazing. I have many shots of old family in front of a porch in the town of Murray, Iowa. That porch still stands I guess but family hasn't owned for fifty years. It is the only photo that I have of one of my Grandfathers. Nice blog.

  4. What a cute picture Connie. Love the fact that your Mom made your shirts. Our family always stood by the front door for pictures. Thanks for sharing another great photo from the past with us.

  5. Wonderful Family sentiments!

    "For the Love of our Dogs" Sister and I
    owned a few dogs in our childhood.
    WHEN we had to relocate to live w/an Aunt clear across the Dear Father shipped our pet Water Spaniel "SANDY" to us in Calif. from Ohio! We were very happy girls to have our Best Pet be with us in such a foreign situation.
    The three of us returned to Ohio a year later.
    Many years passed......and when I married, SANDY came to live with my husband and me!
    He has always remained in our memories.....these many years later down the road of life!
    Connie~ you brought back fond memories for me today! Thank You!

  6. I envy people that have "roots" that deep. We moved around a lot when I was growing up. The longest I have stayed in one place is the house I am currently in. We've been here for 12 or 13 years. Every two or three years I start getting the urge to sell the place and move on. I think that's because I've lived that way all of my life. Nice post, Connie.

    The Duchess

  7. We had a picture spot in our former house, and now have had to find a new one in our almost 4-year-old house -- still not sure what it is. Cute kiddos, by the way! :)

  8. We had one very similar to yours--there was (still is) a dogwood and some forsythia in the front lawn. Not that we use it anymore, though, because pictures have become so "everyday"--we snap bunches of them anytime we want with digital these days.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog; I am a new blogger and thanks for the welcome! I really appreciated your comments and I was thrilled someone actually read some of my posts!! Thanks for following, too, and I follow your blog as well.

  9. Very sweet picture of the two of you!

    We moved around so much so we didn't have a special photo spot...

  10. Hi, again! Your brother and I were born in the same year. I love that photo. Maria


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