Monday, August 31, 2009

Up North

We are Up North...someone was in a pickle with daycare. At ten and almost eight they are too little to stay by themselves. BUT they don't require much care either. Basically they just need a warm body..and Far Guy and I qualify.

We watched football practice this morning, and then we watched them mow the football field. These are things we never see back in the sticks where we live. I trimmed the roses out front and pulled some weeds. Noah and I went for a walk..I walked he rollerbladed. "Grandma did you rollerblade when you were a kid?" Nope..sorry they weren't invented yet.. "Bummer." Noah told me this morning that he thinks he might be a Veterinarian when he grows up..cause animals always seem to like him. I told him that is because he is always so kind and gentle to animals.

Adam is in the "Why" stage..we did some reading out loud..he doesn't try to make up words like his Mother did..but he struggles with sounding them out. Todays hard words were decorate and decision. He will begin second grade next week. I believe I was still reading "See Dick, see Jane, see Spot run." when I was his age. He doesn't seem to enjoy reading..he is the first of our grands that is not a reader. He will probably be a famous writer someday.

I was really bored, so I went into the pantry and rearranged all the canned goods so they are all right side up and facing the right direction in neat rows. I have never had a can of Cream of Potato or Cream of Broccoli Soup in my pantry ..ever. I wonder what they use them in..and Spinach..I didn't think anyone ever bought canned Spinach. :)


  1. Hey - thought you must be gone. I'm out in farrowing barn!!!!!!! Been back and forth ev 30 - 45 min, waiting. She is starting!!!!

  2. Rollerblades? It is never to late to learn a new activity. I bet Noah would teach you.

    You must have been really bored to rearrange the pantry. Sounds like something I would do too though.

  3. I didn't know they even *made* canned spinach :)

  4. Ummm....will you come work on my pantry, please? Please?

  5. CANNED spinach?! Right up there with canned garlic, laughter and pumpkin, I guess...

  6. I never ever knew there was canned spinach. Can you sample it for us? Enjoy the time with the grandchildren.

  7. Daily our little kids come to see us. Sometimes they ride over on thier bikes or run over on thier feet. Then there are the times we 'watch them'. When it gets to be too much (and it does ever so often) I tell myself and DH that this is what thier memories are made of when we are gone.

    And when I say that I remember my grandparents and how much I loved them.



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