Monday, May 11, 2009

A Visit to the Vet

The little card came in the mail, the reminder that it was time for Chance to make his annual visit to the Vet. Last Saturday was the day. Chance knows his spot, on the couch with the stuffed animals. He waited patiently, until the Vet popped his head around the corner and said "Does that dog have his PH D yet?" Far Guy replied "No, but he is working on it."

Chance weighed in at 55 pounds, that is up three pounds from last year at this time. Paul, our Vet says he is a great weight. Patty the Vet Tech came in and commented on his beautiful coat. It should look reasonably good after his spring bath last week!
Yes, I clean his teeth, yes they should look pretty good. No, He doesn't like it, but he puts up with my odd behaviors.

How does he sound? Great..perfect

Chance knows what comes next, and somehow hiding your head, will make the shots seem like they never happened.

Chance is in perfect health, we were pretty sure of that. It is nice to hear someone with knowledge say it too. We have had the same Vet now for over twenty five years, when he went from large animals just to a small animal practice, he kept our horses on as clients. He has taken care of our many dogs and cats, he is our friend, and genuinely cares for all animals. He has laughed and cried with us through five dogs, eight cats, two horses and two birds.

As a reminder, don't put off your pets annual checkups, and have your pets spayed or neutered. We will start Chance's heartworm prevention medication on May 15th, the little red heart is on our calendar:)


  1. You are good "parents" to Chance! Our youngest daughter Amy is a Vet Tech in Dallas and loves her job. It's a difficult job though because she sees sad things everyday. Great post to remind us all of shots and Heartworm meds!

  2. I am glad to hear that Chance is 55 pounds. Our Barney runs around that weight also. Our vet is very nice but she thought that he was very over-weight. She saw him when we first got him from a rescue and he was probably seven months old and under nourished. So when he filled out the next year or two she was sure he was fat. He can vary a few pounds with the trend of feeding milk bones in excess or less feeding of them in a controlled situation. He will thin out with summer weather and lots of running in the back yard. Your border collie looks just as loving as ours is. They are such a joy.

  3. I love Chance! He is such an expressive dog!


  4. Oh, it's been two years since we got our dog and we have never taken him to the vet. Time to get his shots updated and teeth looked at, especially since he is 6.5 yrs!

  5. Oh that Chancey boy is so cute. I just want to jump through the monitor and hug and kiss him! You are such great parents to him, it warms my heart. I am playing catch up from being sick so I am sorry I have missed some of your great stuff.

  6. Ha, I love that Chance hides his head when he gets his shots. That's exactly what I used to do. Works every time!

  7. Chance is wonderdog isn't he? He is adorable and so glad he had a good check up. Twenty five years is a long time to use the same vet. He must be awesome and its a good feeling to know that he does care. I have a wonderful vet too. Have a good day. Becca

  8. Nothing like having a vet you know and trust!! They are like family. Chance knows he is in "good hands" he just doesn't want what is coming next!

  9. Chance is beautiful and glad to hear you have such a great friend/vet.

  10. I took my little kitty to her first dr appt on Saturday. She did well but didn't feel so good that night. I think it was a bit much for her but by 4am the next morning she was running around like normal.

  11. Oh...Look at poor Chance...hiding his head. He is a brave boy! He is beautiful and I am so glad his checkup ended up well!

  12. Emmy went on Saturday. She's 10, and the vet said she's still well-muscled and looking great. Except for the teeth -- we never got into the good canine dental hygiene habit, I'm afraid, so she has to go back next week for a cleaning.

  13. We have to go to the vet soon too Chance so we understand your pain, but Mom is not getting that tooth brush in our mouths and she sure can't wrestle with us right now. That is the only thing we hate!

  14. Hi Chance! You are as dashing as ever - even if you are afraid of shots! I'm so glad you just went in for a check up. When we saw the title of your post we got very scared until we read it. Whew!

    emma Rose

  15. So glad he had a clean bill of health with your vet. How wonderful you have had the same doctor of your animals for so long. That is a long time to be in practice, and be so well liked, as you are of your vet.
    Then again, my husband is in his 18th year of practicing veterinary medicine. That doesn't seem possible!!!
    We have clients who have been with us for that long and have seen their pets through thick and thin. Many pets from day one, puppies to passing on at an old age.
    I believe my horse is his longest running patient.....she'll be 34 on Friday.
    Good job keeping Chance up to date on all of his vaccines and heartworm preventatives. Your post is a super reminder to many!


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