Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spring Might Be Here

I think that spring might be here. Not only have the beautiful little yellow flowers appeared, spreading their sunny dispositions all over. The first garage sale sign appeared in our neighborhood. Well not quite our neighborhood but nearby, it was only 8 miles away at a church.

Cookbooks and paperbacks were ten cents each..who can pass up a Michener novel , or a Nicholas Sparks that I have not read, or Charles Kuralt's America ( The one where he visits Minnesota) OR cookbooks..I just love reading cookbooks. It was a great day..I got a 1971 local hospital cookbook from when they were fundraising for their new Cardiac Care Unit it is called RX for Good Eating, and a Cookbook called Recipes from Ed and Eleanor's Catering..this one has Large Quantity IF I am ever having over fifty guests at once..this could come in real handy for Far Guy.

I also found this interesting item...If anyone has seen these before, or knows anything about them, please leave me a comment!

Black hand painted nesting boxes, on the bottom is a gold circle with four symbols..and around the circle are the words Lenghing Foochow. I have no idea if it is Chinese or Japanese. But they spoke to me, not loud, but like a nagging whispering..three dollars..are you curious enough? They are wood, a very thin wood. Two of the boxes have small chips, and show some wear, they are dirty, I need to clean them up, but the smaller boxes are perfect. I searched the Internet..maybe they are not old at all..but they are mine now, I have no idea what I will do with them..or the four Santa's that just happened to end up in my pile, along with a cute little photo frame and an aluminum salt shaker..and a couple of cobalt blue plates for Far Guy.

Spring just might be here..other than someone said we could get some SNOW today. IF it snows I will take a photo and then a nap..and I am not getting up until the snow is gone:)


  1. Beautiful boxes and what a deal. I absolutely love old cookbooks like the ones you found. Oh, and I hope you don't get SNOW!

  2. I love garage sales although I haven't hit one in a while. Have no idea about the boxes but how cool are they!!
    I remembered to look at the loon cam today too. The last time I looked the nest was empty, now it has a loon sitting in it. Wonderful!
    Snow???? And here I was complaining about 40mph winds at my house. I take it back!!

  3. They're very pretty - great find Connie!

    I used to shop garage sales alot, and still have some real gems I found for ridiculously low prices.

    Several years ago I was given a couple of farm scene plaster plaques, found by a friend for $10 at a garage sale. Later I saw some just like them on Antiques Roadshow, valued at $1,500 each. I told the friend, who insisted I keep them - they're still on my living room wall.

  4. Sounds like you had a good day. Will Far Guy be posting pictures of his plates? Your new picture is really beautiful.

  5. Beautiful boxes and what a deal. it's amazing what you can find at garage sales..
    Julia ♥

  6. Connie, my Dad spent some time in Japan in the service, and I could be wrong but they look Japanese to me, based on the items he brought home all those years ago. I hope you find out for sure.

  7. oh you have me so curious now. keep us informed


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie